

u live in this world, and it is a fate that u must have the ability to cope with pressure. there is pressure everywhere.......pressure from family, school, friends, homework and yourself.....

i live in a high pressured world.i have weird friends( not all la of coz), weird family(sometimes), weird me giving pressure to me anytime, everywhere......i am glad to have a big body to withstand the pressure......at least won't be crumpled to pieces like a piece of cake......

friends, some of them always think toooooooooo much and do all unreasonable things.... u think of them, sometimes u feel sorry for somewhat like abandoning them, but u have your reasons ... they have a large fight with you, they say things to you.... makes u feel unworthy.... then comes the sorry part......... it hurts most......

family, they have expectations......if it is not your interest and u are doing that activity, 80% sure bcoz of my parents arr, want me to join this join that..... they want you to do what they want.... and i don't like to talk about it anymore.....

homework....... it is the fight between friends, family, and you......you want to work hard, your family wants good results, your friends wants to be better than your marks......you stop working hard and your friends will chase your marks, your family can't see the effort there and will go after you, nagging you to study....this all leads to pressure......

i am pressurised...........
not because of homework....
not because of friends.....
not because of family...

ITS BECAUSE OF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~me.............

