
yes, no, yes, no, yes, no..........argh.......

i am fed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fed up fed up fed up with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i am back to a clam state now......
heres my statement...... people who speaks about others rumours never think much using their brains.....people that speaks rough about people doesn't need to be treated kind too.... people that think they have the freedom of speech, go on...... maybe let me have the freedom of speech sometimes on you too?
today went 4 the debate competition among classes.... i thought it was fine although it seems that we are extremely nervous....i think i did a not-bad-at-all job.....but we didn't make it into the semifinals.....so.....i feel bad about it....i loved my teamates... they were brilliant.....
next i am frustrated with the little little talks among the friends.....the "friends" which i don"t know...their irritational attitudes arouses my anger..... it doesn't affect you people....it affects the innocent ones.... true friends that care.... they worry, they're sad with you ......

people should live in harmony......


decorating, planning, cutting, pasting, drawing, nursing.....at the end of the day....

yes, thats all what i had done today....
it is tiring and frustrating, wasting and boring.......
it is not the work i meant, it is the emotions...
it made me feel bad, feel unworthy, feel negatively..........
i am tired, i am sick, because of the ungratefulness of YOU!!!!!!!!
i am grinding my teeth, i am stamping my feet, fighting over the bad power,
cursed on me by YOU....
hate you hate you......
but what can i do?
i can never, ever, getaway from you......



rumours, rumours, and rumours.....
it is everywhere , everyday...........
it creeps into your life, ruins your mind...
people talk about it, you listen to it,
you talk about it, people listen to it...
its power, dark power....
it pollutes people's mind,
stains people's character,
excercises people's jaw......
what are the benifits you get from it?
people say: " syok lo......"
people say: " interesting mar...."
people say: " update yourself mar...."
excuse me, talking about rumours, is an immoral act....
1st, you don't know where the source come from.....
2nd, you tell people about things that might doesn't exists......
3rd, you are just being selfish to talk when u like.....it is people's business....
people, the world is free.... we all have the freedom to speak....
people also have the rights to stay clear from these rumours....
its deadly.......remember what i say... D-E-A-D-L-Y......

on a canteen day date....

wahaa..... someone asked me out 4 a date on canteen day.....
my friends please don't be surprised.... its not a real date....la.....
to the person's definition, a date is: two people hand in hand walk around and have a fun day...
so it is not what you all think.....ok?
this is what we planned......
we'll meet about 9 at the school, then we'll try out the ghost house first before going 4 the horror maze....then we'l get something to eat..... (of course la canteen day dun eat do what wor....)
lots of stalls to go to....because of the nagging and blackmailing of my "dear" friends....i will list it out, dear friends...... see i am so nice to help you all promote.....but the problem is not much people can see my blog oo.... how?hmm...........
1st stall we're going to is OF COURSE 3P8 la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey, my class sells alot of goodies ....
we sell chocolate dips, ice-cream, ice-cream floats, yogurt drinks, smoothies, and more........
whats special about our stall is, we have special names for the floats and ice-cream...
exotic, romantic, realistic, here we have it all!!!!!!!!
we have hand made keychains available too.........
erm... couples can buy the keychains in couples coz it is cute, identible and fun...
enough for my class,no rotten eggs please, i'm moving on....
then we will visit the 3p11 stall, for the show of support only.....
maybe won't buy anything....just to look around....
then comes the 2p10 stall....
i wanna find out whether the love water is it just a bottle of water with a few pieces of orange zest in it or not.....it is weird coz it is called love water....
water= sky juice
love water= cupid combined with sky juice?
it doesn't sounds yummy at all............
achoo.... i will definitely go to find herbal tea or any tong yun pou.....
like that v much.......
haha, what about my partner leh?
dunno o.... coz my partner follows me mar......
hey hey.....
i am waiting 4 the day o......


what a day.....anyway, i still love st john...

today is the most exciting, thrilling, terrifying, sad day..... there are conflicts in flag....people argue bcoz of different matters that cannot be solved.... have to tolerate with them since i am from the same group with ali and ting ting, and i am the leader, i cant just stand with them onli bcoz i edi used to using the signs....have to listen and make a wise decision.....being a leader is tough anyway.....i am grateful bcoz the members trust me to become a leader , and i am juz a new member compared to them...but the end result is, we managed to finish in 8 minutes and 30 seconds... and we've got about 5 mistakes.... thats a good start i can say... and i am proud of them bcoz we all can get together and work out something for our first time cooperating together...may we be blessed for our coming practises and competition....

after that i went to duty.... i could say i am happy to see pvt wong there... my best friend when i got into school... maybe now we are separated by the committee and member status, but we are still good friends right? having a good time chatting like old days and laughing off my head like mad.... but, theres a problem....a real real real real real BIG problem i should say.... i told you that members are not allowed to be too friends with committees..... its hard because people need bonding, people need interaction, people need communication......i know i am stubborn, but i lost myself... i feel comfortable talking with the people i like....not wanting people to say i am brushing dust off people's shoes.... anyway,the person who woke me up on this, she's right... and i totally appreciate her guidance....i got cold water on my sleepy head....i woke up..... and, i, feel, embarassed.........

i would like to apologize to her for my mistake........ sorry........

then is the crazy part of my duty.......i was supposed to leave at 5 o'clock, but my dad's tuition finish on 5.30 pm... so i thought i might stay for another 15 to 30 minutes.... i missed out alot of duties because flag practice and others....on 5.05 pm sharp, came a patient , from PA class..... what i saw was indeed a shocking scene... there's a mechanical pencil lead underneath her palm skin, with a small small head sticking out.......it is black and i think it is quite deep... the PA girl dunno y she can stand the pain....so senior and i used forceps and tried to clip it out ...what worried me is it seems to go deeper and deeper.......so what we decided to do is to ask the patient to hold back the breath, we will flatten the skin and let the head of the pencil lead stick out more and we will clip it out.......and what we've tried doesn't seem to work out too well too......i became worried and scared, deep in my heart i can feel the pain of something sticking out from underneath the skin of your palm....in came another casualty, with just a bit of reddness from being scratched when she fell down.... senior took after the first while i took over the second.... what a lot to learn.... i feel my first aid knowledge is just like a baby...... i didn't know what exactly i had to do for a casualty which the knee is being scratched and has red marks on it..... then only i know, for normal cuts and wounds, clean it with dettol and apply yellow lotion will do...then senior must have seen me kelam kabut then switched with me.....however, when i go back to the first casualty, she has already got a longer head out by HERSELF!!!!! then i took up the responsibility to clip out the lead.....i slowly and gently pulled out the lead..... her expression was full of pain and torture..... and i was already beginning to sweat and sweat.... the lead was about 1 cm long....

argh, i said and then i throw the lead into the dustbin.... applied dettol and yellow lotion for her and let her leave.....

i hurried to sejati after cleaning up some part of the room, afraid that dad might leave me to die and go home himself...having a turmoil of feelings, sitting in an air conditioned BENZ ....the cool air cant blow away the akwardness, the worries, the unhappiness.......memories flow into my brain, wiping out all my homework i need to do.......i just wanna sleep.......until the very end of the day, i shall wake up and say: what a long day.......



呃。。。 第一次得奖是庆幸的,第二次是惊喜的,第三次是不可思议的,第四次是味如嚼蜡的,第五次呢。。。啊,感谢佛陀。。。


当天,我们可说是最早到三德的一个队伍。七点半耶。。。。就因为我们的柯老师前吩咐万叮咛我们一定要早点去试音什么的。好好习惯一下场地。。。。结果,除了圣母的几张熟面孔,也看不到很多人脸罢了。走进空荡荡的礼堂,就看见上次带我们参赛的庄督学。负责音响的不知道要怎样叫他们的“学生”(可以这样叫吗?还是要叫工作人员还是你们三德有什么特别的名称在这要请教你们一下), 还在忙着搬东西和装麦克风。

我们就在校园走来走去,也没什么事干。。。就一直走来走去说废话。。。开音嘛。。。之后,我们的蔡小姐和许小姐似乎看到一些旧相好,他们兴奋得不得了。我和甑小姐四目交集,只得赔笑。 笑得自己都不知道是牙齿太大颗塞不回嘴巴还是风太大我们关不上嘴巴还是在假假笑了。。。。。。。。

就这样逛了好久好久好久。。。。。。每次比赛都得等待,是我的命么?(谁不知道, 大家都一样和你一起等,吵什么?)终于, 卢老师叫我们去练习了。 站在草场的一端,听着天主教堂传来的宏伟的声音,老师还让我们先祈祷一番。 接着我们就练了连我们的诗歌。草场的另一端,eric在练习他的诗歌。洪亮的声音,传进我们的耳膜里还振得嗡嗡响。 有人说他吵,打扰我们练习。我则羡慕他的好一个丹田气。(如果我在st.john 喊command有那么响亮清楚就好了)哈哈,我心想:他声音这么响,等下用的小讲堂会不会余音绕梁久久不能不能散去?这又让我联想起他们初中组的诗歌, 叫《凝聚》哈哈,真有联系。天气凉凉的,我投入进诗歌也非常得轻松和愉快。

嘿嘿,路上遇见我亲爱的郑老师。哦,原来为她弟弟主持比赛呀?哇,为他撑场。。。。 老师你弟弟真是幸福。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。“喂,快去报到啦!”“噢,知道啦”

报到过后,又是等待等待和等待。漫长的等待。。。。。。。。。。嘿嘿,瞥见大哥了。好像脸肿了一点, 何照片的有点不一样。应该是他拍的照片有神奇的瘦脸效果。。不然就是我眼睛有问题。我知道大哥你会耸耸肩,把这当废话看待的啦。哈哈。接着就是开幕典礼。。。。还有贵宾的用茶点时间。。。

又是走来走去的时间。看到你们都闷对吧?我当时也觉得闷。嘉绮则整个早上不停地发简讯过来,问这问哪。。。 你不知道012给016很贵的吗?我知道你有钱,不用这样虐待我的手机吧?不过你来陪我我很感激。。。 你是唯一在我紧张的时候把我弄得更紧张的人。哈哈。没有啦,你在我肩膀的一击,好像给了马匹一鞭,让它更努力地向前进。 好啦,贵宾们在用茶点的时间她就来到了。不过他心不在焉的,一直望向大门口。等人喔。。。。。我问他是不是等男生,她说,不是啦,等一个女生。突然,—_ —111 我问:你是不是。。。。跟女生来这里约会? 啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,我一声惨叫,她非鼓励式的一击重重打在我的头上。 哦,我闭嘴就是了嘛。。。我今天比赛你还这样对我,还亏你再friendster上面说我是你好朋友。。。我们一堆圣母的又在三德的校园里走来走去,不时还在一些安静的地方练习。

比赛正式开始了,小学的诗歌朗诵都可爱得很,不过控制音量的方面做得不好,还显得很刺耳。快到第十组的时候,我们再出去练一会儿。正当我踏出礼堂的门口, 我就看见一个熟悉的面孔正用时速一百公里的速度向我冲来。只见嘉绮愉快地笑着,我也觉得好开心。原来亲爱的大吃鬼有来看我比赛阿。 我两个好朋友都来支持我了,我的好运降临咯。。。

轮到初中组的比赛了。我们坐立不安的。不知道为什么,就是不紧张但也不想坐也不想站。我们是第十组。就快到我们的时候,我把我的相机交给了嘉绮,但她把相机交给了大吃鬼。真正在等待的时候就是心跳开始不听话的时候。 我们故作从容地上了台。 我告诉自己,拿出你区赛的气势来。接着音乐响了。。。。。。我什么也不想了。。。。。

接下来的事情,我们投入诗歌, 我们把它朗诵完毕,下来后我饿得要死。两位好朋友很善心的陪我到对面找吃的。我第一次和他们两去逛这种地方。平时都逛逛学校著名的图书馆啊,好有气派的厕所阿, 和我们宏伟的校园建筑。哈哈。我搂着他们肩膀,好不快活。走到了coldstorage就近去买东西吃咯。那里好安静,好像没人似的。我还半开玩笑是不是都机械化了。。。结果,下了电梯,看到一个白发斑斑,步履蹒跚的工作人员从里面走出来。。。。炸到。。。又愚了。。。。。。


时间跳跳跳到了颁奖时间。。。。。(其实发生很多很多事很多很多对白我都没有力气详细记录。真得很抱歉。不过我觉得自己够长气了的。。。)开始办初中组的奖了。大家都说,至少进到前五名吧,不然我们这个“全国冠军”就糗大了。大吃鬼和那个嘉绮就拼命拿相机拍什么拍。。。(结果拍到丑到要死。。。)人家紧张的样子都已经不是很好看了,你们还要让这丑陋的时刻永远记录在电子世界里头?! 颁到最后几个安慰奖的时候,l两次司仪先生都念:“怡保。。。育才国中。。。。”“怡保。。。培南国中。。。。”吓得我们两次的肋骨差点被心脏撞破了。。。对于完全没有等待过拿奖的人,而且还是期望那么高的比赛, 那种感觉应该是像对北极熊说沙漠有多热的感觉吧。。。

轮到了颁五强的时候了。。。嘉绮和大吃鬼还在拼命拍照。。。。我逼不得已只好很粗暴地把我的相机转个角度, 大声喝她们不准再拍了。到了第四名,司仪大哥报道:怡保。。。三德中学!!!!
那时的我已经和我的朋友们抱成一团,腿都软了。等了等,咦?第三名不是我们哦。。。。接着我们就被请上台了。当时我有一个强烈的预感我们会以微差落败给第一名。又是只念第一名先。。。好了。: 由马来西亚教育部主催,霹雳州教育局主办, 霹雳州国中教师联谊会,霹雳华小教联会协办第六届(二零零九年度)霹雳州中小学华语诗歌朗诵比赛, 初中组的冠军是。。。。。太平华联国中!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


真的好轻松。。。。有人会问,为什么?因为。。。。。。 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈。。
八月十日是预考日期!!!!!如果去比赛就惨了!!!!!笨蛋!!!!!好了,我发完神经了。。。。就是这种感觉。。。微妙的感觉不加以述说。虽然听了很多人说真的是微差败北,自己也有一丁点的不甘,但我们都经历过的,不用再强求了, 对吧?



是的上次已经谈过了紧张的诗歌朗诵比赛part 1,这次的part2就没有那么的精彩了。取而代之的是淡如水的感觉。是我麻木了吗?还是我没有了想要硬的斗志?咦,不对呀,上次拿到冠军这次应该自强不息不是吗?我不知道,但是比赛的详细情况依然历历在目,因为它发生了不久。

早上八点半,老师把我们都叫来试穿几件好气派的大衣。我生平第一次穿那么隆重的大衣。但是由于种种的因素,穿不成那件新新的味道,温暖华丽的大衣。(好想你哦,大衣。。。。呜呜。。。。)不过穿回校服的唯一好处是,闷热的天气不会把我焖成梅菜扣肉。哈哈。。。去练我们的诗歌一会儿,然后老师就说,你们的我也不知道要改什么了,看得麻木了。。。。 :( 怎么办?难道我们已成了朗诵诗歌的机器人?

到了要上车的时间了,哇,透过老师才知道,咏恩和依欣都是教师节晚宴的司仪, 好羡慕。。。 不知道自己什么时候才能踏上司仪这条道路。不过想想,自己的经验不足啦,要多多累积多多学习才有出头天。(谁叫他们是出了名的名嘴??)哈哈。。。 面包车的司机大人,不知道要从哪个门口近来接我们这几位小姐,花了好多时间,几番折腾,最后还是要我们从食堂门口走出去?都不懂为什么要交人开门什么的,真是麻烦。。。。。

好了,上了车,都没什么事做。。。 要打呼噜了。。。。。这时却想起我们大概十点四十分上了车,却好像要在十一点半到万邦刁湾华小报到。这是我们的印度人司机老也就说:你们应该早点上车的嘛。。。。他便说边摇头,活像个大头公仔。。。。接着便飞车一路到金宝万邦刁湾华小——我们的目的地。

到了那儿,哦哦哦。。。。。。。 我们好像是最迟到的那件学校哦。。。 不过中学的诗歌朗诵队伍还没开比赛呢。。。哈哈。哈?!还有二十多对小学没比啊?(注明:我们到达的时候是近十一点五十分的。。。 午餐时间占用一小时,估计一点开始继续小学组的比赛,紧接着后面是初中组的比赛。如果平均小学一组要占用十分钟(包括介绍,上台,鞠躬,朗诵诗歌,鞠躬,下台,评审写分数等琐碎细节)

26t x 600s=15600s / 60s = 260minutes = 4.3333333333hrs

太恐怖了吧?????? 要我们再等四个多小时才到初中组比赛。。。 而且我们还不是第一组叻。。。。。不过庆幸的是,小学组的没有占用我所预算的十分钟之久,有些组甚至两分钟就下来了。哇哈哈,如果每一组都减少五分之四的时间,那……

等了好……………………………………………………………………………………………….久,还是没到我们。结果哦我们全都散步去了。(我都说嘛,一点都不紧张,还参观校园一圈。)哈哈,那时刚好听到eric在朗诵他的诗歌, 听起来挺不错的,不愧是eric。。。。。


就这样成了冠军。。。。。。。。。是麻木了吧?没感觉。。。。。走上台的时候,是完全没有感觉的。脸上的是礼貌性的笑意而已。这就是又累人又不紧张的诗歌朗诵。。。。 “州赛就会有气氛的啦。。。”不只谁说的。。。


好紧张的诗歌朗诵比赛part 1


回想起去年,我们都是初生之犊,经过一番苦练,才进到区赛,得了第三名。为即将到来的州赛忙得团团转。为什么呢?因为我们学校是首次进入诗歌朗诵州赛。 大家都很担心会出丑,不过越练越有劲,有很明显的进步。

州赛那天,我们都认为自己做得不怎么样,在颁安慰奖的时候,已做好心理准备要上台领奖了,谁知主办当局让我们等了很久,等到最后一个安慰奖颁完了,我们才发觉自己已经是进入三强了。大家差不多同时都说,哇,进到了三强,拿什么奖都毫无遗憾了。(是不是很没有自信呢?大哥,嘻嘻。。。。)过了很多suspense之后,司仪念出了拿第三名学校的名字。怎。。怎么还没到我们学校啊?那时只听到若恒在那儿发神经,蕙琼呆在一边,咏恩傻傻的, 为什么他没有反应的?我大声地喊了一下,说:喂, 剩我们和三德了!!!!!!

哈哈,区赛得第一的三德,现在和我们一起在终极二强了!圣母的又差不多同时说:哇,进到了二强,拿什么奖都毫无遗憾了。(有人看到应该会无奈的说:梁洁瑜,你真不愧是我认识的悲观主义者。。 -_-111) 司仪这时就说什么他只会宣布冠军学校的名字。观众都可以有这段课本说的来形容:众宾团坐。满座寂然,无敢哗者。

司仪就清清了喉:马来西亚教育部主催,霹雳州教育局主办,霹雳教联会及霹雳国中教师联谊会协办(那介绍还真长的不得了)二零零八年第五届霹雳州中小学话语诗歌朗诵比, 初中组的冠军得主是:…………………………………………………………………………………………………..丝丝………….(因为圣母和三德的校名都由S声开始)丝丝丝丝丝丝丝丝丝丝丝(怎么圣母跟三德这两个名字有那么难念吗?)圣母女中!!!!!!!!!

太开心了!!!太意想不到!!!!(不过这开心也维持不了多久,因为接下来恐怖的训练……. 无法想象……)




灵感,源自生活-- 最远的距离




我结结巴巴地说:我 … 不是不喜欢你,但…这是不对的。你不能辜负你的恋人(不是我),她知道会很受伤的。你不能表现得如此不认真,你的生活不是只有你一个……



“墙壁被打破了,怎么办?我担心的事会发生吗?但是我…我… 唉……”


是梦,神奇的周公永远会把你心里最想的东西表达给你看,给你听。我喜欢的你, 把我当心上人……哎,是日有所思夜有所梦吧?但这样做个梦我也足够了,因为我知道那不可能会是真的,在现实生活中,有道我们自己打不破的墙。那道墙一旦被打破,会发生什么事我们自己很清楚。我们在这个世界中,自己的脑袋是复杂的;只有在自己安静的世界里,想的东西可以很简单。我想不顾一切地接受,但,我不能只顾自己,这世界不是由你和我组成的。要和大自然搏斗是很困难的,不是说只要有坚持就能完成的。墙,墙,墙……




心理的狮子this song… is a really nice song…




你知道病了的感觉又没人关心是多么的令人沮丧。。。再加上现在猪流感肆虐,人家都不太敢接近你一步。。。现在我咳得厉害,头也疼得快撕裂了,还有废废的美术要交。怎么画?对一个没什么在意这科科目的人(我),真是个莫大的痛楚。。 没有功课的时间竟要去画画,不能坐下来好好温习功课。不过吾很爱赢,爱拼,那低分绝不是我的作风。。 什么都得做得最好。。。
有人关心我了!耶!他发来个信息说:“你好吗?看你在学校很不舒服的样子,要不要吃panadol?” 什么?我不吃panadol的,抱歉。。。 从小被灌输那是毒品的我特别抗拒这类药品。。。
大哥是说得没错啦。。。不过我还是粒panadol不沾。很矛盾对吧?一下说要人关心,却又抗拒别人的关心, 洁瑜啊,你是病傻了吗?
大吃鬼说:“让我抱抱吧,那你就不会冷了。我会让你体内的寒气全部散去。” 是啊, 好暖哦。。。谢谢你在我需要的时候把暖炉借来给我用用。你才是最明白我需要什么的人。。。


说到强项呢,我自己也不清楚我到底强在哪。。因为好像每样事情都占了一点点的天分。。。不过呢没有一样精深。。没有嘉绮成绩那般标青,没有大姐弹钢琴弹得那么出色, 没有二姐的数学头脑,没有嘉梅画的画那么出神入化,也没有小矮人跑得快, 更没有大哥那么牙尖嘴利咯。。。。但大致上我都干得不错耶。。。。
我不是想小看自己,我也相信人的潜能是很多样化,很神奇的,会在你不留意时爆发。。。。 但,面对别人看到渺小的自己,会是多么的自卑,羡慕。。。。
大哥,你重复的叮咛,重新唤醒我心中的那支雏鹰,她在蛋壳里沉睡了好久好久。。他将展翅试飞,重新探索,发觉自己的潜能。。。 嘿,谢谢你咯,大哥。。。

dcg, nothing can part us 4eva…

dcg.. its nice to befriend you…….. u are the angel in my life……. ur smile is soothing to my boiling hot temper, ur advice is like arrows, so precisely shot to my problems….
its sad to know thet u are leavin me……..when it is the time, maybe i cant take it,maybe i will cry, but nothing will part us forever….
i will always remember the warm hug u gave me was like an anti depressant, your big black eyes gave out calming effects like the expensive black pearls……. i could never forget you….
i dont wanna miss a thing- aerosmith
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While youre far away dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
Dont want to close my eyes
I dont want to fall asleep
Cause Id miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Id still miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And Im wondering what youre dreaming
Wondering if its me youre seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God were together
I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever
Dont want to close my eyes
I dont want to fall asleep
Cause Id miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Id still miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
I dont want to miss one smile
I dont want to miss one kiss
I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like thisI just want to hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time
Dont want to close my eyes
I dont want to fall asleep
Cause Id miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Id still miss you baby
And I dont want to miss a thing
Dont want to close my eyes
I dont want to fall asleep
I dont want to miss a thing

i am a human, same like you too….

why do you want to make my life so miserable…. i gave more than i took from you, why do you still want to suspect that i did not treat you truly? you were a friend, i tolerate and tolerate with you, bcoz i didint want to lose a friend. do you think u can hurt me and just go away like that? do u really think that sorries can heal the bad cut wound on my trust on you? everyone knows, sorry no cure…
it isnt a game, for you to play,
it is about the heart,and soul and trust.
friendship is precious,and i totally treasure,
but dignity speaks,there’s something more than that.
now,there is no more chance,
for u to aim and shoot,
the angel gave me wings, for me to fly away from you.


ya, i had a cold……….
romance says: no, some one u love is thinking of u…
devil says: some one is cursing on u…….
IQ says: ur germs are travelling 100miles per hour u know
nose says: i am wet…..
the mucus says: we want to go out and play!!
haih i said: everyone please shut up, i am going to sleep….. i am sick…..