have to borrow chew's computer to blog.. so charm... but anyway thanks chew...
now i am growing dependent onto chew... is it?
tomoro going to genting... not very happy now coz the person that i asked din go...not her fault actually but i still a bit angry... dunno for what...
her parents? maybe... they say she mus'nt stay out of their sight... no far journeys...
guess she said alot and made them angry... they are taking her away to KL for the rest of the hols...blah blah blah...
i guess they dun wan their daughter to stay friends with someone like me as i knew they call me 野孩子.. i dont think whats wrong being a 野孩子, at least i am independent...
what makes a person grow is the experience, the pain, the satisfaction they get from all what they have gone through... do you think keeping a child until they were adults means they are already safe to fly on their own?
if they dont have the chance to learn, never will they be able to fly...
do you think a child will be automatically independent when they become adults?
absolutely not...
so why keep them at home?
let them explore and try on their own....
danger comes, but it is more dangerous if the child doesn't know how to face danger...
independent? dependent?
i'd wish her parents saw my blog....
treat her the way she deserves to be, not the way u all wanted her to be...