
yes, no, yes, no, yes, no..........argh.......

i am fed up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fed up fed up fed up with you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i am back to a clam state now......
heres my statement...... people who speaks about others rumours never think much using their brains.....people that speaks rough about people doesn't need to be treated kind too.... people that think they have the freedom of speech, go on...... maybe let me have the freedom of speech sometimes on you too?
today went 4 the debate competition among classes.... i thought it was fine although it seems that we are extremely nervous....i think i did a not-bad-at-all job.....but we didn't make it into the semifinals.....so.....i feel bad about it....i loved my teamates... they were brilliant.....
next i am frustrated with the little little talks among the friends.....the "friends" which i don"t know...their irritational attitudes arouses my anger..... it doesn't affect you people....it affects the innocent ones.... true friends that care.... they worry, they're sad with you ......

people should live in harmony......

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