i love st john camp. I LOVE ST JOHN AMC.
any camps that will stay fresh in my mind forever is always amc annusl training camp organised by st john amc.this year is the best that ever happened in my life. i never felt so touched by my members or anyone before. i feel the burning spirit in my heart. anyone who feels the same way i believe we are from the same family, we have the same beliefs and the same aim. i wanted to work hard and show my committment. i want everyone that join feels the passion and we will all work together for the best. this is the time we prove ourselves girls. form 3, are we ready to obey commands and to lead the rest?
here is a small part of my group yells:
so violet, we follow we learn we lead the way!
just like senior chuah said, form 1 we follow, form 2 we learn, form 3 we start to lead.
time is ticking, we must strive and persevere, form 3s!